Director General's Message
Tamil Nadu Irrigation Management Training Institute (IMTI) was established in the year 1984.This Institute is functioning under Water Resources Department. The main objetive of the Institute is to impart need based training to all those involved in Irrigated agriculture so as to achieve productivity with optimum water use. Now the Institute has served for more than 39 years in the field of Training and Development.
Based on the thirty nine years of excellence in the area of training and development, this institute conducts tailor made training programmes to suit the specific needs of the participants according to the latest technologies and development going on in the field of Water Resources Management and Agriculture Development.
About IMTI

Our Mission
To impart training to the in-service personnel serving in the Department of Public Works, Agricultural Engineering and Agriculture.
Our Vision
To increase the Irrigated Agricultural productivity, rural income, development of human resources and their efficiency in managing system with farmers participation.